Boosting crisis resilience from London to Hong Kong

• 2 minute read


Infinite Global worked with an international law firm to stage a comprehensive review of the firm’s crisis communications infrastructure and capabilities across its two primary markets: London and Hong Kong.

We devised and delivered a bespoke programme of activity over a 9-month period, designed to analyse the firm’s existing crisis resilience, uncover areas of operational weakness, identify emergent risk issues facing the firm – not least in terms of data breach and cyber defence – propose recommendations for change and deliver a series of training sessions for the firm’s senior leadership, BD and communications teams.


Key to the work was building a robust crisis management mechanism that bridged time zones between London and Hong Kong. With the firm’s senior leadership split between the two jurisdictions, plus an absence of marketing communications support in Hong Kong, it was clear that a highly bespoke solution would be required.

Through a mix of desk research, reviewing and re-drafting of internal materials, one-to-one interviews, investigative workshop sessions, live wargame scenarios and other training environments, Infinite Global was able to delve deeply into the firm’s crisis response capabilities, addressing strategic and operational issues.

A further focus in our work was analysing the cultural interaction and teamwork of the firm’s crisis management and communications teams. Effective collaboration and teamwork, based on clear understanding of defined roles and responsibilities, is essential in any crisis response.

We worked closely with the senior leadership to devise a system that reflected the precise needs of the firm, but also the realities of the personalities and skill sets of key individuals across both offices.


The outcome of the programme was an updated and streamlined system of crisis communications response, more comprehensive than its predecessor, yet quicker to access and better suited to balancing the differing needs of the London and Hong Kong offices.